There was a week this past summer when two separate guests said to me, “This room looks so much nicer in person than it does on your web site.” I immediately knew it was time for some fresh photography, so I did a little research and I made a few calls.
On a sunny two-day stretch of October we had the pleasure of hosting Paramount Pixels for a photo shoot of the Rittenhouse Inn, Le Chateau Boutin, and the Rittenhouse Cottage. We shot rooms. We shot food. We shot exteriors. Basically we ended up with hundreds of images, which we narrowed down to about 50 favorites.
One thing we love about working with Paramount Pixels is the end result! We were first captured by Don Trueman’s post production genius, and how he can turn an ordinary photo into something much more vibrant. We soon learned that he’s a great shooter too. The fact that the Truemans ran an amazing B&B in Duluth for years really helps: as former innkeepers, they shared in our vision and turned it into… a vision!
As a fellow innkeeper said, it’s “amazing the way that Paramount Pixels can make a photo look the way your eye sees a space rather than just the way a camera lens sees a space.”
We are most pleased with the results, and look forward to sharing the images on our web site, blog, facebook pages, etc. over the upcoming months.